30, where are you touching with your hand?

Song Qinghuan, who was previously calm, gasped abruptly as she prepared to climb down.

Good heavens, how high this railing was! How had she climbed up just now?!

Now that she was so high up, how was she supposed to climb down? Jumping was not an option as the height was too much, and her legs were currently wobbly. Besides, there was no midpoint to steady herself on, nor could she take the stairs down.

Good heavens! What was she to do?

Without thinking, she immediately cried out to Shi Yuhuan for help: "Hey, wait a minute, I can't get down!"

Turning to look at her, Shi Yuhuan saw Song Qinghuan's face flush a bright red, then drain white again in rapid succession...

She had never felt so embarrassed. She seemed to always be in a predicament whenever this man was around, like a jester suspended mid-air, neither able to ascend nor descend.

After what seemed like an eternity, Shi Yuhuan walked over to her.

He nonchalantly extended his hand and placed it on her rear...