31, Husband, we are married

Song Qinghuan, engulfed in fury, returned to her room and gulped down several cups of cold water to quench her anger.

The decision to get married, she regretted so much, she felt like her guts were turning green. The thought of actually marrying a man whose name she didn't even know made her want to ram her head into a wall.

However, she had to endure it all for her brother's sake.

It was just a matter of tolerance, no big deal!!

Song Qinghuan, who had not eaten dinner, calmed her emotions and went out to find something to eat, there wasn't any fresh ingredients in the refrigerator.

She grabbed two eggs and made a plate of stir-fried udon noodles.

Half an hour later, she placed the stir-fried noodles on the table.

Before she could sit down, the sound of card scanning echoed from the villa's front door, then the dark, thick, red mahogany door was pushed open from the outside...

Turning around and looking up, Song Qinghuan noticed Shi Yuhuan entering.