32, Aphrodisiac, the name of a coffee

Now that he wanted coffee, that meant he was planning to have a good conversation with her. This was just what she had in mind.

Song Qinghuan quickly brewed two cups of coffee and brought them over.

She placed one in front of Shi Yuhuan and the other on the opposite side of him.

Shi Yuhuan looked at the coffee, and then made a "please" gesture, indicating for Song Qinghuan to take a seat across him.

His sudden gentlemanly demeanor startled Song Qinghuan. Could he be possessed by a ghost? Why the sudden change of character?

Upon closer observation, everything seemed normal, but Song Qinghuan had a nagging feeling that something was off. She couldn't pinpoint what exactly, as the man in front of her was simply too enigmatic.

Shi Yuhuan slid a "small silver square" across the table to Song Qinghuan, "This grants the highest level of access to the security system of this villa you're living in."

Song Qinghuan looked at him steadily and began drinking her coffee.