33. Punishment, as well as warnings

"Mm." Shi Yuhan replied without a hint of discomfort.

Suddenly, it was as if a bucket of hot oil had been poured onto a roaring fire, all of it raining down on Song Qinghuan, her face reddening like a ripe apple in an instant.

She trembled, her words catching in her throat, "What... what do you want to do?"

Shi Yuhan responded indifferently, "Relax, I won't do anything to you."

"Then why...?" Song Qinghuan couldn't understand what this cold, emotionless man was planning.

Shi Yuhuan's gaze turned icy, glaring at Song Qinghuan. "This is punishment for your impoliteness, a warning not to make mistakes. I don't enjoy punishing after-the-fact; it's just like locking the barn after the sheep has been stolen."

Song Qinghuan fell silent, wanting to shout out in frustration, but upon considering this man's ruthless nature, she bit her lip and stayed quiet.

In the silence tinted with chill, she felt a sensation bubbling within her that resembled an impending explosion.