34, Tossed and turned all night, tired

Song Qinghuan stood up, stumbling towards the bathroom.

She nearly fell several times during the journey, only managing to proceed by clutching onto the walls.

Despite the short distance, she was drenched in sweat upon arrival, parts of her body as red as braised pork trotters!

She turned on the shower, not having the time to undress, and stood under the cold water in an attempt to suppress the effects of the drug raging inside her.

She pursed her lips tightly, her eyelids drooping weakly, the bone-chilling cold seeping into her body, her damp clothes clinging to her delicate body, causing her eyelashes to uncontrollably quiver with the cold.

Submit to this torment of fire and ice, Song Qinghuan drifted in and out of consciousness, and slowly sank to the floor, curling into a ball.

The effects of the aphrodisiac shouldn't have been this strong, but after enduring thirty minutes of a cold shower, the unabated heat within her body was finally suppressed.