85. Pretend not to care

After hearing Song Qinghuan's voice acting for the lead character, Shi Annuo made a resolute decision to swap roles for the voice acting. Song Qinghuan would voice the main character and Bai Rubing the secondary character.

Bai Rubing put on a smiling face, seemingly not minding, but she felt awful inside.

She thought Song Qinghuan, who looked so naive, seemed to have some craftiness to captivate Shi Annuo to that degree.

Didn't she get married? Why does she have a complicated relationship with the general manager, she's such a wanton woman.

Though Bai Rubing scorned Song Qinghuan in her heart and looked down on her, she knew well the rules of the workplace and would never offend someone who could cause trouble.

After the recording session and back in the HR department, Zhao Jingnan, aware of the role swap, was worried that Bai Rubing might be upset. So, he called her into his office to inquire about the matter.