86, CP pairing, Shi Family couple

Although Song Qinghuan was not sure if her current husband was Shi Mu, she was eighty percent sure it was him.

One day, Song Qinghuan and Yu Yang went to the first floor warehouse to get stationery.

On their way to the elevator, she began to ask Yu Yang about Shi Mu to confirm her suspicions.

After all, it was inconvenient to talk in the office.

Upon hearing Shi Mu's name, her eyes light up. She smiled sweetly, "Shi Mu, 28 this year, grew up in New York, studied economics and management at Harvard University. Rumor has it that he's classmates with the big boss and has always helped him handle various affairs. Like the big boss, he's a man with no rumours. So, many people speculate that they have an affair."

Song Qinghuan listened attentively. Upon hearing this, she suddenly exclaimed,"What? An affair? They're gay?"

Yu Yang was startled by her abrupt outburst and instinctively stepped back, nervously looking around like a thief.