87, missed, and admitted wrong

Yu Yang shook her head, "No chance, they aren't like the general manager who's often involved in scandals. They don't tend to appear in public unless absolutely necessary, so it's almost impossible for the media to get any pictures of them."

Song Qinghuan agreed, "All right, I see. I was actually wondering how they look."

Yu Yang patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, as long as they are in the company, you'll have a chance to see them eventually. And, when you do, you'll know exactly what I mean..."

Suddenly, she broke off, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

A moment later, she pointed with trembling excitement, "Qinghuan, no sooner said than done, look! There's the big boss! The big boss!"

Song Qinghuan looked stunned for a moment, then quickly followed Yu Yang's gaze. There was a tall and handsome man standing at the elevator entrance, stepping casually into it.

Meanwhile, a disappointed sigh came from Yu Yang, "Ah, he went into the lift!"