154, move again and I will instantly take you down

Just as she was dwelling on these thoughts, the door to the bathroom elicited an audible click, announcing it's opening. Song Qinghuan promptly closed her eyes tight once again - her heart beating wildly out of her control.

Although she kept her eyes closed, she was still aware of a dark figure inching right toward the bed, the freshness of showering trailing after it.

However, the room soon fell silent. Without the slightest hint of movement.

Has he already left the room? Did he come into her room tonight seeking something? This room did hold some of his belongings after all.

As she was pondering, Song Qinghuan slowly opened her eyes, only to be met with a lazy yet devilishly attractive pair of eyes.

Wearing a bathrobe, Shi Yuhuan expressionlessly took a seat on the edge of the bed, "What's the matter? Not going to continue playing possum?"