155, compulsion, lure to the superior

Song Qinghuan dared not make any reckless movements under his piercing gaze, her heart feeling suffocated.

The disparity in physical strength between men and women made her acutely aware of imminent danger, her body involuntarily tensing up.

For a long moment, neither of them moved or spoke, maintaining their positions. Song Qinghuan bit her lower lip and asked tentatively, "Can – can you let go of me now?"

Within Shi Yuhuan's deep, black eyes flickered a hidden dark flame. Looking at the woman beneath him, her cheeks flushed, her teeth biting her tempting, red lips, it was clear she had just been kissed passionately.

Her eyes, seductively narrowed, filled with a hint of panic, made him feel as if she was enticing him.

A sudden tightness in his lower abdomen made Shi Yuhuan lean in, intending to steal another kiss from Song Qinghuan.