166, Pleasing others is useless

Shi Yuhuan looked at her expressionlessly, his eyes deep and dark like a well, his voice deep and cold: "Five minutes, you have five minutes left to get ready."

Having said that, he glanced at her pajamas and continued coldly, "If I don't see you downstairs in five minutes, you will never see your bag again."

Without waiting for a response from Song Qinghuan, or even bothering to see her reaction, he left with Zishi, who was reluctant to leave.

Song Qinghuan opened her eyes in surprise and swung a hard punch at his retreating figure: "Dammit, Shi Yuhuan you big meanie, I hate you! I won't be ready in five minutes, I need six, seven, eight, nine, ten minutes…"

Even though she said defiant words, her actions betrayed her. Once the four minutes passed, she raced down the stairs.

Shi Yuhuan drove her to the old house himself.