167, in case, you get wildly angry...

Shi Yuhuan smirked, "I am not just anyone, you know!"

Song Qinghuan muttered sarcastically, "You're not just anyone, you turn into a monster when you let loose."

Shi Yuhuan glanced at her, "I've already made a decision about this matter, I'm just letting you know. You don't need to share your opinions."

"But, but..." Song Qinghuan didn't give up, yet was struggling to find a reason.

Finally, she said timidly: "But what if, what if you can't control yourself in the middle of the night, and jump me? What then?"

Shi Yuhuan gave a cold, sarcastic smile, "You better focus on controlling yourself, and not tempt me!"

Song Qinghuan retorted immediately: "I'm not trying to tempt you!"

Shi Yuhuan ignored her and kept silent.

Song Qinghuan wanted to say something else: "Hey! What about..."

She was cut off by Shi Yuhuan: "Say one more word, and I'll kick you out of the car!"

Anyone else saying that to her, Song Qinghuan might think they were joking.