191. Strings, suddenly broken

Song Qinghuan spoke nervously, cautiously observing Shi Yuhuan for any reactions.

Aside from his deepening breaths, there was no response at all.

Song Qinghuan was becoming frantic. Could it be that Shi Yuhuan didn't understand what she was saying?

But she had already hinted so clearly! What to do? They had come this far, maybe she should just say it outright!!

Clenching her fists, Song Qinghuan decided to throw caution to the wind.

She suddenly stood up, gathered all her courage and yelled, "Shi Yuhuan, starting from your birthday this year, can I accompany you for every birthday onwards?"

After saying those words, Song Qinghuan felt a sense of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. She had finally voiced it out.

Although she was worried that Shi Yuhuan would reject her, wasn't there a saying that it's better to face death than to live in torment?