192, turn back, force

Tears welled up in her eyes, but Song Qinghuan managed to hold them back. She forced a smile, "I'm sorry... it seems... I was too presumptuous... I thought we were friends. I'm sorry."

She was hurting so bad it was almost suffocating.

She had thought that today would be her happiest day ever since her brother disappeared, that maybe today, she could forget all her worries temporarily.

But things didn't work out that way. Yihan had ruthlessly cut a blade across her heart.

Turning around, she didn't say anything else, she just stepped away, fleeing from the embarrassing scene.

As she ascended the stairs, she heard the bang of the front door closing behind her.

Once again she turned back, the room was empty except for the cake on the floor, shattered and desolate, it was a sight that resembled her present state.

She couldn't hold back the tears any longer, they streamed down her face in an instant.

The harsh treatment was more than she had ever expected.