196, Seeing each other, but as strangers

By the time Song Qinghuan woke up again, she was lying in her own bed.

She blankly stared at the ceiling for a while, as if only then remembering everything that happened before she fell unconscious.

Exhausted, she closed her eyes and pulled the blanket over herself, tears welling up instantly.

Her head hurt, so did her heart. At that moment, she despised Shi Yuhuan, resented his kindness, his gentleness towards her, and even more so, the mobile phone he gave her.

She didn't want to use that phone again, even if she didn't have a phone, she wouldn't use it.

That morning, she and Zhao Jingnan took a leave of absence, only emerging from her room when she felt that Shi Yuhuan had finished his breakfast and left.

She grabbed her purse and a couple of changes of clothes, then headed straight to Mei Jun's house, declaring that she missed her and planned to stay for a few days.