197, Distance, unwilling to get involved

After Yihan's birthday, this was the first time they saw each other again and the only time since. Nonetheless, she bumped into Shi Mu several times in between.

Occasionally, Shi Mu would have lunch in the employee cafeteria, sometimes even sitting at the same table as Song Qinghuan.

However, they didn't chat much. He simply enquired whether she was comfortable with her work, then they would discuss some topics of mutual interest.

Gradually, rumors started circulating in the company, that Song Qinghuan's support was not Shi Annuo but Shi Mu. Of course, there were also rumors that Shi Annuo had dumped Song Qinghuan, and that Song Qinghuan had cozied up to Shi Mu.

That afternoon, Shi Mu came to the cafeteria for lunch and again chose to sit opposite Song Qinghuan.

Clearly annoyed, Song Qinghuan looked at him and suggested, "Mr. Shi, there are so many other seats, why do you insist on sitting opposite me? I think it would be better if you didn't."