230, A devious and gloomy man, is pretentious.

But at this moment, Shi Yuhuan didn't furrow his brow, calmly and steadily placing the steaming bowl on the dining table.

A little baffled, Song Qinghuan raised her hand to touch the soup bowl, and instantly grimaced, hissing in pain.

Heavens, it's still as hot as before...

How come Shi Yuhuan didn't react at all? Could it be he's immune to burns?

As these thoughts crossed her mind, her eyes remained fixated on Shi Yuhuan, noticing that his face remained calm and unflustered.

But upon lowering her gaze, she noticed his hand, dangling at his side, twitching as if involuntarily.

It made Song Qinghuan both amused and annoyed, and if she guessed right, Shi Yuhuan had definitely burned his hand.

He must have first tried to feel the bowl, thinking it wasn't too hot, so he picked it up and walked out of the kitchen.