231. Feeding, His concern and protection.

Song Qinghuan took the bowls and walked out, filled two bowls of soup, and placed one in front of Shi Yuhuan.

Shi Yuhuan, however, was utterly unperturbed, and commanded dominantly, "Feed me!"

Song Qinghuan, who was in the middle of sipping her soup, was taken aback and choked slightly.

"What did you say?" She couldn't help but glare at him, somewhat incredulous.

Shi Yuhuan leaned back leisurely against the dining chair, displaying a completely unruffled expression, his slender, ten fingers twirling on the table, also dusted with the salt Song Qinghuan had spilled earlier.

Song Qinghuan felt extremely embarrassed, longing to crawl into a corner in misery.

She'd like to ignore Shi Yuhuan, but his stern face across the dining table was a real appetite killer.

Looking up at him, unresponsive for a while, just sitting there quietly, he projected a frosty demeanor, as if saying, "If you don't feed me, I definitely won't eat."