340, Nonsense, Framing

Song Qinghuan trembled with rage, a simmering anger flared in her widened eyes. "You've crossed all the limits. Don't forget this is my home, you just see if I kick you out of here right now!"

Jin Lin sneered coldly, "Kick me out? Who do you think you are? Fancy yourself as Mrs. Shi Yuhuan? I've asked around the Shi family, they all think it's strange that you're with Yuhuan. They think you were bought with money. Being bought doesn't make you any better than a servant. How dare you throw a tantrum here and threaten to kick me out. I'm embarrassed for you!"

Song Qinghuan's icy gaze burrowed into Jin Lin. "I thought for your foster-son Yangguang's sake, even if you were money-minded, you wouldn't be this despicable. I was wrong. You're the most disgusting woman I've ever seen, taking selfishness and self-interest to the extreme. I don't understand how Yuhuan could have an aunt like you!"