339. Enjoyment, Married Life

Unable to hear the anticipated voice, Li Chengyun's handsome eyebrows furrowed slightly. There was something distinctly out of character about Shi Yuhuan today.

What had happened that abruptly put him in such a good mood that he not only forgave Si Chen, but also attended Si Chen's birthday party?

Suddenly, a delicate face flashed through his mind.

Song Qinghuan? The transformation in Shi Yuhuan, supposedly because of him, seemed somewhat far-fetched.

"Brother!" Shi Annuo and Li Qianze sat down next to him. Apart from Li Chengyun, only these two dared to approach and speak; no one else dared to provoke Shi Yuhuan.

Si Chen was also somewhat reluctant to approach him, but his eyes would nevertheless occasionally break through the crowd and land on Shi Yuhuan.

He didn't expect Shi Yuhuan to wish him a happy birthday, his presence alone was satisfaction enough.