352, In fact, everyone has their own thoughts

The two sat in silence when suddenly, Shi Yuhuan's thin lips parted slightly, and a deep, magnetic voice spilled out: "Give it some time."

"..." Song Qinghuan instinctively lifted her eyes to glance at him, her face pale and speechless.

Actually, she didn't quite understand what Shi Yuhuan really meant by the word "time."

Time? What did it stand for?

"Give me some!" When Shi Yuhuan uttered those words again, Song Qinghuan instantly understood.

Time, give him some.

Was he implying that he would change his mind?

But would he? Song Qinghuan didn't know. She only knew that once a person had made up their mind about something, it was extremely difficult to change, especially for a man like Shi Yuhuan, who was always domineering and arrogant.

"Eat, it will get cold soon!" she changed the subject, not wanting to linger on this matter.

She felt that continuing to discuss it would only bring heartache.