353, Zhan Cheng, come back

A year ago, she thought that she would be able to figure out everything about her brother's situation within a year. Yet, a year had passed, and she had made no progress.

Where on earth is her brother?

Did he go to another world, just like Li Wei, or is he still alive hiding somewhere unknown to her?

It's so cold! Song Qinghuan, who was extremely afraid of the cold, wrapped her clothes tighter around her and sped up her steps towards the subway station.

Far behind, a man dressed in black clothes and wearing a black hat was following her from afar. When she looked towards the sky in sadness, he, too, frowned in sorrow.

A woman's sixth sense can be quite peculiar sometimes.

As Song Qinghuan was walking, an unusual image flashed in her mind; she wondered if it was because she was lamenting on not being able to find her brother.

She suddenly felt as if her brother was right by her side.

She paused and looked around her.