398, join the team, be an assistant

The investor of Mei Jun's novel is Li Qianze, and the real big Boss behind the scenes is Shi Yuhuan. If she went to the scene, she might not see Shi Yuhuan, but she would definitely see Li Qianze.

Song Qinghuan, for now, didn't want to see anyone related to Shi Yuhuan.

She shook her head and declined: "I won't go. I'm on break these days. Once I've had enough rest, I'll go find a job."

Mei Jun, who was coldly refused without hesitation, looked hurt: "Qinghuan, you're really letting me down. I'm planning for my novel's production now. It's the most important moment in my life. You, as my good friend, won't even help me a little bit. Are you even my friend anymore? Humph, what a waste of friendship with you!"


Song Qinghuan blushed with embarrassment, speechless.