Someone who I don't want to see or meet.

This middle-aged woman, Song Qinghuan actually knows her. She is the leading lady in Mei Jun's drama, the current popular actress Xiaoxiao's agent, Zheng Chunlan.

Xiaoxiao, one of the new generation's Four Dan actresses.

With one TV drama and two romantic art films, she has won several awards at various TV and film festivals.

She was rated the most powerful female star in the new generation of Four Dan.

Xiaoxiao is talented, but arrogant, except when speaking to the director, otherwise, she always looks down on everything else.

Her agent, Zheng Chunlan, is domineering, and doesn't show any humility at all.

Song Qinghuan believes that no matter the industry, one should be humble and approachable, especially in the entertainment industry, one must be humble and reasonable.

Otherwise, when you're down on your luck, when your popularity fades, or when you get into trouble, people won't hesitate to trample on you. They'd feel like they're betraying their own life if they didn't!