400, it's easier to deal with King Yama than trouble with the little devils.

There's a saying, dealing with the devil is easier than dealing with his minions. Sometimes, a celebrity's agent is even more difficult to deal with than the celebrity themselves.

If you try to reason with them, they think they're something special. If you ignore them, they will make things up and create trouble.

Zheng Chunlan was such a person. The astute her quickly noticed that Zhan Jie knew Song Qinghuan, and that's why she changed her voice and refused to stay and film her part because of Qinghuan.

Remembering Qinghuan's rudeness from before, Zheng Chunlan saw this as a perfect opportunity for revenge, and of course, she wouldn't let it slip by.

Zheng Chunlan sinisterly smirked and then whispered something into Xiaoxiao's ear.

Upon hearing this, Xiaoxiao's face changed, she shot a hostile glance at Song Qinghuan, then yelled: "Producer!"

She was the lead actress, so when she called out for the producer, he naturally rushed over immediately.