Yearning for other men, not yearning for you

Shi Yihan was not angry, instead, he smirked wickedly, "Heh, welcome, it's my pleasure!"

Then he lowered his voice, blowing air menacingly into Song Qinghuan's ear.

The hot breath sprayed all over her, making Song Qinghuan's body tremble slightly. Before she could catch her breath, Shi Yihan's voice rang beside her ear again, speaking words that made her blush: "Just like how you welcomed me last night. You clung to me down there, you just wouldn't let me go."

Song Qinghuan was stunned, her face as hot as if it was being scorched by fire. It was both hot and painful: "Shi Yihan, you, you bastard, if...if you want to do it just do it, why do you have to humiliate me..."

"Humiliate? I thought these were sweet nothings..." Shi Yihan responded, bending down to kiss Song Qinghuan's lips, sucking them passionately.

Meanwhile, his hand mischievously slithered inside Song Qinghuan's clothes.