409, go on and tell us, who do you want?

The sudden invasion caused Song Qinghuan to gasp sharply, biting her lower lip as she trembled.

The memory of the dream she had last night struck her with its stark contrast.

This version of Shi Yuhuan stirred in her a strange sense of nostalgia for everything that had transpired the previous night.

"Yearning for another man? Tell me, who exactly? Hmm?" Shi Yuhuan ruthlessly collided his body with hers, then nibbled and licked her earlobe before landing on her slender neck.

Song Qinghuan's shivered even more intensely under his touch.

She could not put into words how she felt in that moment: a mixture of intense pain yet pleasant comfort, lost for words and voiceless, as she silently bore his transgression.

For a long time, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing and the slick wet sounds of their bodies.

Shi Yuhuan's onslaught seemed endless.