451, I dare not, can you help me look.

The snow was white and thick, the cold wind sharp and biting. The ambiance in the room was unusually oppressive, the air appeared stagnant, and everything in the world seemed to be at a standstill.

Shi Yuhuan was leisurely and gracefully reclined on the couch, seemingly asleep with his eyes closed.

Song Qinghuan lay on the couch, her head resting on Shi Yuhuan's thigh, her gaze fixed upon the dossier in the center that had yet to be opened.

Inside it was the parental verification of her and Yan Pingdan.

"Shi Yuhuan," Song Qinghuan broke the silence after some time. She looked at Shi Yuhuan with profound confusion in her eyes. "Why did you conduct an examination of the blood ties between my brother and me? Do you suspect that my brother and I are not genuine siblings?"

Shi Yuhuan slowly opened his eyes, no longer having the cold severity present earlier. His indifferent composure was back, as was his mysterious aloofness.