No worries, you still have me.

Shi Yuhuan gave her a deep look, the corners of his lips curling into a slight smile.

He then reached out to take the document from her.

However, as he was about to open it, Song Qinghuan stopped him. Her small face filled with conflict, she stammered, "Um... perhaps, I should do it."

The smile on Shi Yuhuan's lips widened, his face seemed a little evil under the dim light. He handed the document back to her.

Holding the document felt like holding a hot sweet potato, Song Qinghuan didn't know what to do.

She glanced between the document in her hands and Shi Yuhuan, hesitating and unsure about opening it.

"...." Shi Yuhuan remained silent, leaving her to it.

Song Qinghuan started to become restless. She randomly pulled at her collar while mumbling, "It's suddenly hot. Shi Yuhuan, I need to get some water, you can look at it!"

With that, she handed the document back to him and quickly got up to go to the kitchen, leaving a bemused Shi Yuhuan.