453, I always believe

Song Qinghuan's eyes were misty with tears, her tiny hand resting lightly on his chest, and in a trembling voice she asked, "Can I see my brother, please?"

As soon as she had finished speaking, another tear fell.

Shi Yuhuan reached out his thumb to gently wipe away the tear from her face and then gave a faint nod.

As the snow continued to fall outside, making the weather colder, the room remained as warm as spring.

The next day, Song Qinghuan was granted her wish of seeing Yan Pingdan.

They sat opposite each other, their excitement from their first reunion the previous day was now replaced by calmness as the grand joy of being lost and found, of long time reunion had passed and settled down.

In fact, Song Qinghuan had so many things to say, so many questions to ask.

But when she actually saw him, she found herself at a loss as to what to say first, or even where to start asking.