482, Those years of Shi Yuhuan, Small Unveiling 2

"Your child is really adorable. If I had a child like this, I would feel like I have the best gift in the world." She smiled at the woman, trying to soothe her, to help her find her maternal love.

Upon hearing these words, the woman hesitated slightly, then reached out to hold her child again.

She sighed, "I was just venting. If it weren't for the child, I would've left long ago."

Song Qinghuan gave a faint smile, preparing to turn around and leave.

"Wait!" But the woman's voice rang out, successfully stopping her in her tracks.

Song Qinghuan turned back to look at her: "What is it?"

"Are you new here?" the woman asked.

"Not exactly, I... should say I am here to visit friends," Song Qinghuan came up with what she thought was a suitable answer.

In fact, she herself didn't know what Shi Yuhuan had brought her here for.

The woman frowned: "Visiting friends? I moved here last year, but no one has lived here since…"