483, women, all he needs is......

But she could also sense that Shi Yuhuan didn't want her to know.

Not understanding why he was so determined to keep her in the dark, she couldn't fathom the significance behind Shi Yuhuan bringing her here, to this house with the red-brick-tiled roof.

Song Qinghuan was unsure, and indeed, Shi Yuhuan himself was scarcely clearer.

For it was here where he had spent the most decadent and gloomiest times of his life.

Here, he had learnt what it meant to be ruthless and to despair.

Here, it dawned on him that some were perched at the pinnacle of society, receiving the admiration of many, their desires within easy reach. Meanwhile, others were like ants wandering the city, constantly exhausted from struggling just to be fed and clothed.

It was here where he vowed that he must possess power, money, and status in the future, pouring everything into avenging his parents and fulfilling their last wishes.