494, Despite being cruel, we must face it

"I told you, she would not come back!" Shi Yuhuan struck back, as cruel as it might be, he wanted her to face reality.

Song Qinghuan wanted to retort something, but she moved her lips then bit into them hard.

She said nothing, not knowing what should be said. She didn't understand how a mother could be so cruel to abandon her own child.

She truly didn't understand such mothers, if they didn't want a child, they shouldn't have had the child in the first place.

Now that they'd given birth, how could they be so irresponsible?

Song Qinghuan felt very angry. She felt anger over being unawareed of her own parentage.

In the past, she had always thought herself as the biological daughter of Lu Meiyan; no matter how badly Lu Meiyan treated her, she always thought that Lu Meiyan was not that bad, no matter how harsh Lu Meiyan was to her, she wouldn't take it to heart.

Because she thought, no matter how tired Lu Meiyan was, she never abandoned her.