495, use strategy, retrieve

Song Qinghuan leaned on him, and then, in a very quiet voice, only the two of them could hear, she gently asked, "Are you sure that the baby's mother is hiding around here?"

Shi Yuhuan withdraw his elegant arm and gently placed it on his knees, an all-seeing shimmer passed through the depths of his eyes. Hooking his entrancing lips upward, he said in a somewhat resigned low voice, "It's a problem, isn't it?"

She had already understood what he was implying.

Song Qinghuan lowered her gaze and sighed.

Suddenly, she raised her voice, "Shi Yuhuan, the doctor at the clinic said that the baby's mother doesn't want him anymore, she left the baby with us and ran off. We have to go back tomorrow, so what should we do about this baby?"

Shi Yuhuan frowned, his voice indifferent, he said ruthlessly, "... Keep him!"

Song Qinghuan fretfully said, "We want to keep him and ask the doctor to help, but the doctor refuses. He insists that the child's mother won't come back."