496, upon reaching Qing, Shi Yuhuan, you wishful thinking.

As she spoke, her voice cracked with a sob: "The baby, it's so pitiful, so tiny."

Shi Yuhuan cast a cold, indifferent glance outside.

He reached out, gently pulling Song Qinghuan into his arms: "Since you love this child so much, and the child's mother is determined to abandon him, why don't we adopt him?"

Song Qinghuan looked up at Shi Yuhuan's face, hot tears gushing out: "I was also a child unwanted by my mother."

Shi Yuhuan lowered his gaze at her, holding her even tighter in his arms, burying his head into her neck indentation, his big hand gripping the back of her neck slightly trembling.

Leaning her forehead on his shoulder, Song Qinghuan's pent-up grievances and helplessness suddenly surfaced.

She initially cried silently, then began to sob loudly. Her body trembled slightly, her fingers tensely gripped Shi Yuhuan's clothing.

The baby was abandoned just like this, what about her? Was she, too, abandoned by her own parents when she was young?