570, Li Chengyun wondered, could she be...

Song Qinghuan swallowed, subconsciously leaning back as muster up some courage, "What... what do you intend on doing? I'm telling you, I'm pregnant. I can't withstand any fright."

Li Chengyun looked at the woman in front of him who was clearly scared to death, yet pretending to be brave, reminded him of his impression of her—just an average person.

He had always assumed that after Shi Yuhuan uses her, he would ruthlessly discard her.

But now, it seemed that the situation was slightly unexpected. Shi Yuhuan already started to give her attention and it's likely that she would stay with Shi Yuhuan.

All of a sudden, he thought of his younger sister.

If she had grown up, she would be about the same age as Song Qinghuan. He had always thought that the only person worthy of his sister was Shi Yuhuan.

But the chance was stolen by this ordinary girl, if his sister returned, it was unlikely that she will end up with Shi Yuhuan.