571, What I want is not gratitude, what I want is you

This possibility made Li Chengyun laugh silently to himself. It was too absurd. He quickly rejected the thought.

However, Song Qinghuan was somewhat angry. "Yes, I was abandoned by my mother on the roof when I was born, and then picked up by my adoptive mother. Is that funny to you? Humph!"

His cold gaze was like a knife cutting into Song Qinghuan's face, sending a chill down her spine. "Well, thank you again. I have something to do, so I'll go ahead."

She simply thought her abrupt words had annoyed Li Chengyun once more.

If she can't please him, she might as well avoid him.

Furrowing his brows, Li Chengyun's already cold gaze followed Song Qinghuan's retreating figure.

What a strange coincidence?

His own sister was taken away from the hospital, yet Song Qinghuan was abandoned on the roof. She couldn't possibly be his sister, that seemed unlikely. His sister was taken away from a room, not the roof as Song Qinghuan had said.
