574, blood relative identification, accurate and error-free

His heart skipped a beat, a sensation of unease swelled within him as he pulled out his phone and dialed Song Qinghuan's number.

But Song Qinghuan's phone was consistently turned off.

His heart sank completely. A bad premonition surfaced and he urgently instructed someone to check if Song Qinghuan had boarded the plane.

Before Song Qinghuan left for Q City, he intended to send someone to protect her, but he feared it could backfire and his deepest secrets might be exposed. Considering Q City was Li Chengyun's territory, he just phoned Li Chengyun, letting her go to Q City alone.

If he had known, he wouldn't have let her go to Q city alone.

The investigation results came in quickly. Song Qinghuan had not boarded the plane, and she was missing, with her whereabouts unknown.