573, protection is a double-edged sword.

Wandering aimlessly on the streets, Bai Rubing felt that her life was incredibly bleak. She remembered that when she left the Times Group, she vowed to show up Song Qinghuan and Shi Yuhuan.

Now it seems, forget putting on a show for others, she's unsure if she would even survive.

She looked at the rapid, hustling vehicles on the road and suddenly felt that ending her life that way might not be a bad idea.

Like possessed she stepped forward unconsciously, walking towards the middle of the road.

At that moment, a man grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

Looking up, she saw the man's gentle face, his black eyes filled with concern as he tenderly asked her, "Are you okay?"

She felt as if divine light was pouring down from the sky, giving her a glimmer of hope in life again.

The man asked her what was wrong and then kindly accompanied her home. Like a friend, he also helped her find a new job.