588, rescue, one person coming

The man became increasingly agitated as he spoke, beginning to rant about his parents and friends, eventually directing his complaints towards society at large. One by one, everyone became a target for his grievances.

Suddenly, he stopped the movements of his hands, and Song Qinghuan seized the opportunity to free herself, pushing him forcefully away.

The moment the man landed on the floor, she swiftly picked up a brick from the ground and smashed it forcefully over his head.

The man, who was still recovering, tried to sit up and grab Song Qinghuan, but she hit him again, targeting his head.

His vision went dark as he passed out.

Song Qinghuan threw the brick away and quickly untied the ropes on her feet, then made her way towards the warehouse door.

The warehouse door opened, and Song Qinghuan stumbled into the person who had just entered…

Four Fingers had arrived. Seeing Song Qinghuan attempting to escape, he struck her with a resounding slap.