At this moment, she hates Shi Yuhuan.

The newspaper showed a tall man, leading Zhan Jie in and out of a hotel. The headline read, "Famous Presenter Zhan Jie's Mystery Boyfriend Emerges."

The tall man was "half hiding his face," but by his silhouette, Song Qinghuan recognized him as Shi Yuhuan.

Celebrity news, true or false, Song Qinghuan shouldn't believe such stuff.

But at this very moment, it was incredibly painful.

A hot tear rolled down, Song Qinghuan felt an icy chill along with a sour taste in her heart!

She started to sob. Why was she suffering here, every second was painful, while he could spend time with Zhan Jie when she was missing.

Now, every speck of pain, grievance, blaming felt magnified.

Song Qinghuan started to despise Shi Yuhuan at this moment, an indescribable hatred.

Suddenly, she realized that Shi Yuhuan might not rescue her and her heart instantly cooled down.

Instead of waiting for a rescue, perhaps, self-rescue was more practical Some.