592, there's a lump in my heart

By the time Shi Yuhuan untied Song Qinghuan, she had already passed out.

Zhan Jie, however, was fully conscious, her lips tightly pursed up to the point of breaking, as she felt like she had been thrown into an ice pit.

If there were a mirror, she would have seen how ghastly pale her face had become.

The picture in her mind began to clear, and it just kept getting clearer!

There were some things she didn't want to admit, but they became completely understandable.

She understood why Shi Yuhuan suddenly approached her.

Understood why he suddenly stopped resisting her, and even treated her so gently.

Understood why he gifted her an expensive house.

She also understood why he took her to the hotel couple of days ago.

What Bai Rubing had said, whether it was true or false, made more sense to her now.

The last memory she had was when she saw Shi Yuhuan undo the ropes around Song Qinghuan and evacuate her quickly.