593, She is tired and weary.

Upon hearing that the child was fine, Song Qinghuan turned her head up, closed her eyes, and no longer looked at Shi Yuhuan.

She was grateful that the child was unharmed. If anything had happened to the child because of him, she would never forgive him in her lifetime.

"Huanhuan..." Shi Yuhuan grasped her hand, and gently asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

She closed her eyes, didn't utter a word, just gently slid her hand out of his.

Shi Yuhuan's expression stiffened. His heart abruptly clenched in pain.

He paused and said, "I'll have the doctor come in to check on you, lie down for a bit."

Song Qinghuan remained silent, not knowing if she was sleeping with her eyes closed.

Soon after, the doctor came in and performed a simple check on Song Qinghuan. Both mother and child were confirmed fine, but the baby's position was unstable, and she needed to be hospitalized for observation.