600, this is impossible, you are lying to me.

But these casual words sent Song Qinghuan into a whirlwind.

Looking at Li Chengyun, her eyes widened in surprise like bronze bells, her mouth was slightly open, as if she could swallow an egg.

Go home? Go home with him?

Why was Li Chengyun so bizarre, telling her to go home with him, and to cleanly break off with Shi Yuhuan?

She stuttered and after much delay, she finally asked: "What...what are...what are you saying?"

Li Chengyun watched every expression on her face, curved his lips meaningfully, and with a hint of teasing, he said, "I want you to come home with me."

Song Qinghuan widened her eyes, her mind filled with impure thoughts, somewhat nervously said, "Are you...how can you..."

The rest of the sentence, Song Qinghuan found hard to utter.

My goodness, did Li Chengyun fall in love with her? It's impossible! But if it was impossible, then why would he say he wants to take her home?