599, After the divorce, come home with me.

The promise to divorce was merely a stalling tactic, waiting until Song Qinghuan had stabilized her pregnancy and given birth before discussing further.

As for divorce, Shi Yuhuan still echoed the same two words: "Dream on!"

But Song Qinghuan took it seriously. When Shi Yuhuan really agreed, she found herself not as relieved as she thought she would be. Instead, her mood became even heavier.

She was very upset and heartbroken, feeling like he didn't love their child, casting her and their child aside as simply as throwing away garbage.

Song Qinghuan felt desolate inside. She took the opportunity when Shi Yuhuan wasn't around and ran out of the hospital alone. She stumbled forward uncertainly, unsure of where she was going or where she should go.

All of sudden, a hand grasped her arm tightly, dragging her back. A cold voice was laced with anger: "Are you crazy? Didn't you see the red light?"

Red light? Song Qinghuan lifted her vacant eyes just to meet an icy face.