We're Already Married, Part I

Tao Yaoyao put up her middle finger and shook it at Yao Keren. "No, no, no, no, no, he's so handsome. He has unparalleled good looks, and I'm afraid that if I brought him here, you'd commit suicide out of envy."

With a look of contempt on her face, Yao Keren wasn't convinced. "You're bluffing. If things were really as you say they are, we can be sure with someone like you, that person must be very ugly, with buck teeth and dead fish eyes. Beware of having nightmares every night..."

Tao Yaoyao didn't want to argue with her.

She chuckled. "Yes, you are the most beautiful, and you are the best. You're the best, and your arms can stretch around the world."

If her arms could stretch around the world would she still be considered beautiful? Wouldn't she be a monster?

Glaring at Tao Yaoyao, Yao Keren became angry immediately, but couldn't come up with any words to answer her back.

When Tao Yaoyao's stepmother saw that her relative, her adopted daughter in a sense, had been defeated so quickly, she herself took up the offense. She acted heartbroken and as if she had a stomachache, and she said to Tao Yaoyao regretfully, "Yaoyao, your marriage is a major event in your life. How could you take it so rashly?"

Tao Yaoyao replied very seriously, "I didn't take it rashly. I considered it carefully."

"Considered!" Grandma snorted coldly, "You were considering marrying a person, but he doesn't even understand the etiquette of having him meet your parents first. Yet you dared to marry such a person? He's obviously not a decent person."

"He had something to do today, and he told me to buy these things." Tao Yaoyao pointed to the things she had brought and then chuckled to herself. It was really funny. It Feng Zhuo wasn't a decent person, could Wan Jiabao be considered decent?

Tao Yaoyao almost blurted this thought out aloud.

All of a sudden, at this moment, a cold voice could be heard, "Hello!"

Everyone turned their heads, and there they saw a man walking in gracefully and elegantly. With delicate features and a face defined by chiseled bones, the man walked in, tall and straight. He had an aura of coldness and arrogance. His innate lofty temperament was such that no one would dare easily approach him.

With a face that was sinfully gorgeous, he looked very charming. The white shirt he was wearing had been meticulously buttoned up to the top, giving him an inviolable sense of abstinence.

When Yao Keren saw him, her eyes became glued to him.

"Husband," Tao Yaoyao shouted, as she immediately greeted him.

She'd told the housekeeper, Bai Yi, in advance that if there was a handsome young man outside who was called Feng Zhuo who said he was her husband, please send him in directly.

When Tao Yaoyao looked at Feng Zhuo, there was a happy smile on her small face, but in her heart, she wanted to beat him hard. How dare he only show up now? If he had been any later, he wouldn't have even needed to show up at all.

Feng Zhuo held Tao Yaoyao's hand, and his gaze swept across her face.

He discerned the anger deep in her eyes, and the warning expression as well. She seemed to be implying that if he didn't behave well, beware of her disciplining him after they returned home.

He couldn't help but smile as he looked at Tao Yaoyao's family. "Hello, I am Yaoyao's husband, Feng Zhuo."

There was a smile at the corners of his mouth, but his eyes, which were looking at the Tao family, didn't seem mirthful at all. They were simply...cold.

Tao Yaoyao took Feng Zhuo's hand and introduced him to her family. She glanced around, and her gaze finally settled on Yao Keren. "Yes, he is my husband, Feng Zhuo. Fortunately, he doesn't have buck teeth...nor does he have dead fish eyes...nor is he exceedingly ugly. He's quite decent-looking, and just a bit worse than me."