We're Already Married, Part II

Yao Keren was taken aback and looked at Feng Zhuo, just as Feng Zhuo's eyes fixed on her, and her face flushed.

Tao Yaoyao spat out contemptuously, "A superficial person!"

The grandmother and stepmother were quite old, and, after reading countless people, they had long ago acquired a golden eye for judging people.

At a glance, they immediately felt that this man named Feng Zhuo was definitely out of the ordinary.

Besides his handsome looks, his temperament, his eyes, and his unignorable blue blood aura were things that only the upper classes had. His dominating presence and self-confidence couldn't be overestimated. This was what it meant to have a strong presence.

Was it really possible that Tao Yaoyao had been lucky enough to have really married a wealthy aristocrat?

Even though she thought this in her heart, the old, sly grandmother wouldn't show it on her face.

What she wanted wasn't guesses, but to know Feng Zhuo's true identity.

Tao Yaoyao's grandma glanced at the stepmother airily.

Tao Yaoyao's stepmother immediately grasped the grandmother's meaning, and, with the support of her mother-in-law, she asked in the tone of someone interrogating him about his household registration, "You're Yaoyao's husband. How could you get married to her without seeing her parents? Didn't your parents teach you anything about it? Isn't that basic etiquette?"

She put on the air of an elder while probing in order to fish out information about Feng Zhuo's family.

Feng Zhuo glanced at her and fixed his gaze on Grandma, "My parents have passed away already."

Without parents, he probably wasn't old money, but rather new money who himself had worked hard to obtain wealth. If that was the case, then Tao Yaoyao had really found herself a treasure.

The stepmother felt a bit jealous, envious, and resentful. Her tone became sour. "What job are you doing now?"

Feng Zhuo was about to open his mouth when Tao Yaoyao said, "I know what you guys are trying to do. Don't pressure him. He has no money, and he's just a model, but I don't care. I think that when two people are together, having enough money to live on is enough."

When she said this, she looked at Feng Zhuo affectionately.

His eyes gentle, Feng Zhuo was also looking at Tao Yaoyao.

Softer than water...

For some reason, Tao Yaoyao felt her legs go weak.

Feng Zhuo was too good at acting, and she was enamored of him. She felt that if he didn't want to be a model in the future, he could switch professions and become an actor.

He would definitely rise to fame.

Turns out he was just a model. The Tao family, who'd originally had great fantasies about Feng Zhuo, were extremely disappointed.

No wonder that man had such a good temperament. Turns out he was a model. Looks are everything in the modeling industry, and after acting cool all day long, naturally they would develop good temperaments. However, having a good temperament didn't make them high and mighty.

"Tao Yaoyao, you actually found a model? I'm so mad at you."

Her stepmother felt very contemptuous and even felt a little gleeful, but she shouted at Tao Yaoyao with a feigned worried and anxious expression on her face.

Tao Jiantong got up from his seat and looked at Feng Zhuo coldly. "You, come with me."

Seems as if they were going to have a private conversation. Tao Yaoyao didn't even need to guess to know that her dad was probably going to put on airs and make things difficult for Feng Zhuo. She also wanted to go with them, but Feng Zhuo stopped her, and his eyes gave her a look of assurance. He then followed Tao Jiantong upstairs.

In the study on the second floor, Tao Jiantong said coldly, "Don't think I don't know why you approached my daughter."

He took out a card from the drawer and threw it on the table. "Here is a million. Please take the money and immediately divorce my daughter."