Chapter 18: Meeting Gu Zhennan

Guo Xiang was faster. Before the child could get to the eggs, she grabbed them and placed them out of the child's reach. 

Originally, she did not like eggs. If everyone sat down and got along peacefully, she might have even shared the eggs with other people. However, this brat was extremely ill-behaved. She would rather throw the eggs away then give them to him. 

When he saw that the eggs had been taken away, the child howled again, "Grandma! Grandma! I want eggs, I want eggs!"

The old lady looked at Guo Xiang. She knew that eggs were expensive. Moreover, the two of them had just quarreled, so she wasn't thick-skinned enough to ask. She coaxed her grandson, "We won't have any eggs. Grandma has pancakes here, the pancakes are really delicious."

After saying that, she took out a pancake from her bag and handed it to the child. The brat slapped the pancake on the ground, "I don't want pancakes. I want eggs! Eggs!"

As he whinged, he even stepped on the pancake twice and squatted down on the ground. He kicked his legs around and cried out, "I just want to eat eggs. I don't want the pancake. If you don't give me eggs, you're a bad person. A bad grandma, a stinky grandma..."

Guo Xiang was dumbfounded. Her worldview had been completely changed. How could a kid be this obnoxious? 

The person beside her clicked his tongue, "what a waste of food!"

"That was a good pancake. I can't even get my hands on one if I wanted."

"If my grandson did that, I would've slapped him!" 

The old lady felt terrible. She squatted down and said, "darling dear, Grandma will buy you eggs when we get off the train. Let's have a pancake to fill our stomachs first. Don't cry, don't dry..." She wanted to pick up the pancake, but the pancake was already too dirty to eat.

Guo Xiang looked at it and shook her head. There was no way the kid would be well-behaved being spoilt like this.

"I don't want it. I want to eat the eggs. If you don't give me the eggs, I won't get up. I'll tell Mom and Dad that you treated me badly," the brat continued to kick his legs. 

"Um, I..." The old lady was quite troubled. She looked at Guo Xiang and then at the child. She asked, "Miss, can you..."

"No!" Guo Xiang immediately interrupted her.

The person next to her curled his lips, "Auntie, you're so shameless. You were going off at her a second ago, yet here you are asking for favors again."

"That's right, you're too thick-skinned!"

"Can't get any more shameless than that."

"I'll buy it, I'll buy it, okay?" The old woman shouted. Seeing her grandson's tears tortured her more than anything. 

"You'll buy it?" Guo Xiang sneered and knocked the eggs on the table. "Sure, one yuan per egg!"

"That's a rip-off!" The old woman raised her voice and looked at Guo Xiang in disbelief as if she was a robber. 

Guo Xiang raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong? Can you not afford it? If you can't afford it, don't even think about it!"

After saying that, she stuffed the two eggs into the hands of the uncle beside her and said with a smile, "Uncle, you should have them!"

"Huh? No, it's okay! You keep them!" The old man waved his hand, but he couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Days were difficult recently, he would rarely get the chance to eat eggs. 

"It's okay, Grandpa, I still have some!" Guo Xiang smiled and took out another egg from her bag. She knocked it on the small table, peeled the eggshell, and ate it one bite at a time. As she ate, she raised her eyebrows and looked at the old woman. The old lady's face was red with anger. 

Guo Xiang admitted that she was a little childish, but it was extremely satisfying. 

"Eggs!" The child's eyes lit up when he saw the eggs that the old man was holding. He rushed over to snatch them. The old man hid his hands behind his back to prevent the child from snatching them away. He also had a grandson, so he was going to leave these two eggs for his grandson to eat when he got off the train. 

The train finally arrived at the right station amidst the cries of the child. The old lady forcefully dragged the crying child out of the car. Before she left, she even glared at Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang chose to ignore her. 

The people around them heaved a sigh of relief as soon as they left. Thank God they left, otherwise nobody will get any sleep tonight. 

After they left, new passengers got on the train. Fortunately, the new passenger sitting opposite of Guo Xiang was an adult. Nobody was throwing tantrums anymore. 

The person who sat by the window beside Guo Xiang also left. She had wanted to move over but decided otherwise. The next passenger might prefer the window spot. It would be a hassle if she had to move again. 

Unable to sleep, she picked up "Story Club" and continued to read it in order to kill time. 

A pair of green canvas shoes walked up to her. A deep and magnetic voice sounded above her head, "Sorry Miss, please excuse me!"

Guo Xiang's ears twitched. His voice was amazing. She was deeply attracted to voices and she was particularly obsessed with low ones. 

Raising her head, she saw a pair of green army pants. As her eyes travelled upwards, she realized how long his legs were. He must be very tall! 

Above the leather belt was a pure white undershirt. He also wore an open white shirt. He had a sharp chin, slightly pursed thin lips, wheat-colored skin, and a straight nose bridge. A pair of pitch-black and deep eyes were looking at her.

This person was so handsome!

Guo Xiang blinked. Even though he had seen handsome men from all over the world in her previous life, she could not help but praise him in her heart.

This kind of handsomeness was not like the handsomeness of the pretty young men in her previous life. It was a very proper handsomeness, masculine and upright. It was hard to come by.

Gu Zhennan lowered his head and looked at the girl who was looking up at him. Her pair of big black eyes were clear and innocent as if they have never seen any hardships in life. He could not help but purse his lips, "well, excuse me..."

"Oh, oh..." Guo Xiang reacted. Her face turned red. She quickly stood up and turned her body to let him pass.

Gu Zhennan watched her stand up. Her legs were long and very tall!

It was rare to see such a tall girl in the south.

He carefully turned his body to the side and tried not to touch the girl's body.

Seeing him sit down, Guo Xiang secretly glanced at him. The man was tall and strong. Once he sat down, he took up more than half of the seat and almost touched her arm.

The two of them were very close to each other. She could even smell the scent of his body.

There was no smell of sweat. There was a clean smell of soap. It was very refreshing.

He was the type that she liked.

Gu Zhennan sat upright, but his ears were slightly red. It was the first time he was so close to a woman. He could even smell the faint fragrance of her body.

From his angle, he could see the girl's side profile, fair skin, long eyelashes, her small nose slightly upturned, and her well-defined lips with a pink luster, like top-quality enamel. He could not help but want to take a second look.

When Guo Xiang picked up the book, Gu Zhennan finally came back to her senses. He quickly looked away and told himself that he was already married and could not look at other women.

Although his wife was a fool, since he married her, he had to be responsible for her.

But his wife...

He felt a little lost. Could not remember what she looked like.

When he saved her, she was disheveled and dirty. Before he could see her clearly, she was carried away by the Guo family.

On the wedding day, she was carried in by someone. After that, she had been asleep, curled up in bed. He didn't even see her face.

He was a husband. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad about the matter.

He's looking at me? Guo Xiang's back was stiff. She was holding a book in her hand, but she didn't read a single word.

She was secretly happy as she was still very confident in her looks. Although her clothes were kind of lame right now, but she had natural beauty.

But very soon, that person shifted his gaze. She was a little disappointed. Was she so unattractive?

It didn't matter anyway. She was a married person.

But he was really handsome. Moreover, he was the type that she liked. She really wanted to flirt with him. What should she do?

No, in the 80s, being too proactive would only make people think that she had no self-respect.

Moreover, she never planned on marrying. There was no point starting something that she knew would end. 

She smiled bitterly in her heart. Guo Xiang, you're not a young girl who just had her first love. You're already an old aunt in her thirties. Pull yourself together.

She thought of her first love in her previous life and felt dejected. Being handsome didn't mean anything. He could be unreliable! 

In her past life, that man was also handsome, elegant, and a modest gentleman. Yet, he was also merciless.