Chapter 19: You Can’t Lie On Others

Originally, Guo Xiang still had some faith when it came to marriage. Since she was young, she had lived a good life. Her parents were loving, and she was also longing for love.

When they first fell in love, the two of them were like Romeo and Juliet, and they swore to be lovers.

But who knew, before they even had the chance to talk about marriage, that person had found a rich family's daughter and dumped her.

What was even more ridiculous was that the other woman's family was only one of the many suppliers of the Guo Group. It was not even worth one-tenth of the Guo Group. However, Guo Xiang's parents had always warned their children to keep a low profile, therefore, nobody knew that Guo Xiang's family background was so prominent.

When that person attended the Guo family's banquet with his new partner, only then did he know Guo Xiang's identity. That person regretted it so much, and he shamelessly tried to reconcile with her, saying that it was that woman who seduced him, and that he had only made a mistake that all men would make.

Hmph! What a joke!

Guo Xiang wanted to spit in his face.

It would be understandable if he wanted to work less for a few years to climb up to a higher position. However, after he found out about his identity, he came back to lick her boots, which made Guo Xiang look down on him. She must be blind in the past to even fall in love with him. 

It was her fault for being too naive at that time. He chased after her fiercely and treated her so well. She was completely moved by him.

However, a man's kindness could not be trusted. If he treated you well at one moment, he could treat other women well the next moment. He could treat you well for a lifetime, but such a man could not be found.

Later, when her sister's marriage had problems, Guo Xiang became completely disappointed in marriage and became anti-marriage.

She felt that it was quite good to live alone. At least she did not have to worry about other troubles which come with marriage. She was free and had no one to control her. She could do whatever she wanted and go wherever she wanted. After traveling all over the world for so many years, she had gotten used to it and had no plans to get married anymore.

Who knew that a car accident would bring her to this era and she would be married right away? It was really a trick of the heavens.

Thinking of this, Guo Xiang's mood gradually calmed down. It was better not to get married. This time, after getting divorced, she would go far away by herself.

Fortunately, no one knew her in this life. She could live anywhere she wanted. If she was tired of staying in one place, she would move to another place. It would be great to be free and unfettered.

The night was getting late. The train was rattling rhythmically. Guo Xiang was drowsy. She leaned her head against the seat and slowly fell asleep.

Gu Zhennan also took out a book to read. The problem with the machine had not been solved yet. He needed to think about how to improve it.

Suddenly, he felt a weight on his shoulder. He looked sideways and saw that the girl was leaning against his shoulder and she was asleep.

The orange light shone on the side of her face. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Her well-defined lips were slightly pursed seducingly. 

His face was red. Gu Zhennan put down the book and gently placed Guo Xiang's head back on the chair carefully.

The train swayed, and Guo Xiang's body also swayed. She fell on Gu Zhennan's body again.

His body stiffened. He rolled his eyes, turned his head slightly, put down the book again, and held her head back.

Guo Xiang pursed her lips and fell to the other side in a daze. She was about to fall on the uncle on her right.

Gu Zhennan stretched out his long hand and held her head. He could not let her sleep on someone else's body!

She swayed and fell back. Gu Zhennan's ears were slightly red. He turned his face and felt her warm breath near his ears. A numbing feeling rushed to his back from behind his ears, and his whole body was a little stiff.

Pursing his lips, he reached out and gently pulled out the book from Guo Xiang's hand. He held her head with one hand and put the book on his shoulder with the other. Then, he carefully put her head down.

This way, he could let her sleep by herself without touching her skin. It would not be considered letting his wife down, would it?

However, he did not dare to move at all because he was afraid that he would wake her up if he moved. That would be awkward.

His eyelids began to twitch. His body, which had been on the move for the whole day, was finally tired. Gu Zhennan leaned against the seat and slowly fell asleep.

In the early morning, the carriage started to become noisy. Guo Xiang opened her eyes and looked at the slanted object across from her. She did not react for a moment. She looked at it for a long time before she remembered that she was on the train.

She twisted her neck. It hurt so much. It seemed that she had fallen asleep?

With a thud, a book fell from the side of her cheek. It was the book she had bought, "Story Club".

She blinked and turned her head to look. A pair of deep, dark eyes looked at her. Seeing that she was looking at him, she quickly averted her eyes and pretended to move her shoulders and neck.

Guo Xiang suddenly realized that she had fallen asleep on this man's shoulder last night. In order to avoid complications, he had used "Story club" to separate the two of them.

Guo Xiang blushed and whispered, "thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Gu Zhennan nodded without any expressions and stood up. "I'm going to wash up."

Guo Xiang turned sideways to let him pass. After thinking for a while, he got up to go to the toilet.

When he came out to wash his hands, Guo Xiang saw him again. He was washing his face with a towel and wiping his hair while he was at it. The black ends of his hair stood up straight, making him look very energetic.

Guo Xiang nodded to him, stood in front of the faucet, and turned on the water to wash her hands.

After thinking for a while, she splashed some water on her face and started washing up.

She wanted to brush her teeth, but she felt as if she had deliberately wanted to be with him. Feeling a little uncomfortable, she carelessly wiped her face.

Gu Zhennan saw the little lady next to him from the corner of his eyes. Crystal clear drops of water slowly dripped down from her fair cheeks. It lingered on her delicate chin for a moment before it slid down. It was so seductive.

He felt his face heating up. He quickly splashed a handful of cold water on his face to wake himself up.

By the time he returned to his seat, Guo Xiang had already eaten breakfast. A bowl of porridge and two steamed buns.

Gu Zhennan walked over and took out a pancake from his bag. He opened a glass of water and began to eat.

"This is for you!" Guo Xiang handed over a steamed bun.

"It's okay!" Gu Zhennan was a little startled and immediately shook his head.

"This is a thank-you gift," Guo Xiang looked at him, her eyes curved with a faint smile.

Gu Zhennan looked at her. Her eyes were so bright as if there were stars hidden in them. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, revealing two sweet dimples.

He took the bun in a panic and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls, almost choking.

Guo Xiang chuckled, "no one is fighting with you. What's the rush?"

Gu Zhennan was embarrassed. He had never lost his composure like this before.

He quickly opened the cup and drank a big mouthful of water. He finally calmed down.

"Where are you going?" Guo Xiang turned to look at Gu Zhennan.

"Shen City," Gu Zhennan did not turn to meet her gaze. He fiddled his cup, "what about you?"

"Me too," Guo Xiang replied.

Gu Zhennan did not know how to respond, silence settled in between them.

Guo Xiang felt a little melancholic. She was only changing trains there. Once she reached Shen City, she'll probably never see him again, right?

When they arrived at Shen City, Guo Xiang was not in a hurry. Shen City was a big station so the train would stay here for a long time. She did not want to squeeze with others.

Gu Zhennan did not get up either. The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding.

After waiting for the other passengers to get off, the two of them got up.

Guo Xiang went to get the luggage.

Gu Zhennan stretched out his hand, "let me help you!"

"Thank you!"Guo Xiang nodded. Only then did she realize that the man was really tall. She was 1.7 meters, which was not considered short. The man was even taller than her. He was at least 1.85 meters tall. 

Gu Zhennan lowered his head and saw Guo Xiang looking at him with her watery eyes. His heart skipped a beat. He picked up the luggage and walked out.

"Hey, wait for me!" Guo Xiang followed him, but the man didn't seem to hear her. She had to follow him quickly.

Guo Xiang took her luggage from him after they exited the station, "thank you. I'll be leaving now," she pointed to the other side.

Gu Zhennan glanced at her and nodded, "bye!"

He walked in the other direction.