Chapter 26: Is Something Wrong With Your Eyes?

The carriage gradually quieted down, and those who had not had a good rest continued to sleep.

Guo Xiang put the bag with the money in the corner and leaned against the window sill to sleep. If someone reached out to take the bag, she would immediately notice it.

She did not have a single dream that night, and soon dawn arrived. 

Yi Zichen was the first to wake up. Seeing that Guo Xiang was still sleeping, the corners of his lips curled up. He got up and told Huang Zhengli that he's going to the dining car area to buy breakfast.

After Guo Xiang woke up, she gave the bag for Huang Zhengli and went to wash up.

When she came back, Yi Zichen was already back. The table was filled with breakfast that he had just bought.

There were porridge, buns, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and eggs. Guo Xiang was surprised, "Why did you buy so many?"

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought a little of everything," Yi Zichen smiled.

Huang Zhengli looked at Yi Zichen and winked at him, giving him a meaningful smile.

"Thank you, boss!" Guo Xiang nodded.

"Don't call me boss. Just call me Zichen like Zhengli," Yi Zichen pursed his lips.

"Ok!" Guo Xiang nodded indifferently.

She took the porridge, a bun, and a fried dough stick, "these are enough for me."

Yi Zichen took an egg and gave it to her, "have an egg!"

Guo Xiang shook her head, "I don't like eggs. Give it to Huang Zhengli."

Huang Zhengli snatched the egg, "Hey, some people don't even get to eat eggs. Lucky me."

Yi Zichen smiled and did not say anything.

As they ate breakfast, Guo Xiang realized that the passenger opposite her had changed again. It probably happened when she went to wash up.

There were three people sitting opposite her. The one by the window was a young girl, a middle-aged woman was sitting in the middle, and a middle-aged man was sitting on the side.

The girl had delicate features. The middle-aged woman and the middle-aged man weren't really ugly, but they did not look attractive either. They did not look like a family.

The middle-aged woman saw Guo Xiang looking at her and grinned.

The middle-aged man had a fierce look on his face. He glanced at Guo Xiang and averted his gaze.

What puzzled Guo Xiang the most was the girl. She was about twenty years old and did not look like she had just gotten into the train. She leaned against the window weakly. Her head was covered in cold sweat, and there was a hint of unease and anxiety in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" Guo Xiang could not help but ask.

The girl blinked her eyes and did not say anything, but the sweat on her forehead dripped down.

Guo Xiang stood up to check her temperature. The middle-aged woman beside her stood up and blocked Guo Xiang's hand.

"This is my daughter. She's sick. Sorry to bother you," the middle-aged woman said with a smile.

Yi Zichen and Huang Zhengli also looked over.

"What's wrong? Why are you sweating so much?" Huang Zhengli asked.

"She has a fever. She just took the medicine and is sweating," the middle-aged woman said as she reached out her sleeve to wipe the girl's sweat.

The girl, on the other hand, looked terrified, as if she wanted to hide but couldn't.

Guo Xiang frowned and reached out her hand, "I happen to be a doctor. I'll take a look at her."

"No, it's really not necessary!" The middle-aged woman stopped Guo Xiang again. "It's no trouble. She just took the medicine. She'll be fine in a while."

After saying that, she said to the girl with a pleasant expression, "Dear, if you feel uncomfortable, close your eyes and sleep for a while. I'll call you when we get to the station."

The girl was anxious as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"Forget it. If she doesn't appreciate your kindness, don't meddle in other people's business," Huang Zhengli said unhappily.

"Let's eat!" Yi Zichen also said.

Guo Xiang nodded. She picked up the fried dough stick and continued to eat.

The girl's face revealed a look of despair as she blinked desperately at Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang thought it was strange. If she had something to say, just say it. How would she know if she kept quiet? 

Yi Zichen asked in a low voice, "are you really a doctor?"

Guo Xiang was speechless for a moment. In fact, she was just using that as an excuse. Although she was a doctor in her previous life, she had only learned a little from Doctor Ji in this life. She couldn't really be called a doctor, so she said vaguely, "a little!"

Then, she looked at the girl opposite her. She was still blinking at her desperately.

What's wrong? Guo Xiang thought to herself and could not help but take another look.

She felt that something was not right. The blinking seemed to have a pattern.

She stole a glance at the middle-aged woman and man beside her. They did not seem to notice that there was something wrong with the girl's blinking.

Guo Xiang pretended to look over casually as she ate her fried dough stick. When she realized what it was, she was shocked. She was trying to do the Morse code!

In her previous life, Guo Xiang had an extremely high IQ and was a member of Mensa - a club for highly intelligent people. She had participated in many club activities.

People with high intelligence often played mystery games together. One of the games used Morse code. Guo Xiang had especially studied it for this reason.

Morse code was a kind of intermittent signal code that was transmitted by sound or light. Through different arrangements, it could represent letters, numbers, and symbols in English.

Guo Xiang looked at the girl. She noticed that Guo Xiang had noticed her and blinked her eyes desperately.

Guo Xiang looked carefully again. It was indeed Morse code. She could not help but be shocked.

Who was this girl?

The person who knew Morse code at this time was definitely not an ordinary person. Perhaps it was someone from the national special department. Did something happen to her?

Guo Xiang began to identify carefully. She pretended to knock on the table casually while secretly communicating with the girl opposite her.

When the girl saw that Guo Xiang understood what she meant, her face lit up with joy and her eyes blinked quickly.

Guo Xiang did not change her expression. Her fingers knocked on the table frequently, and her expression became more and more serious.

Finally, the middle-aged woman next to her seemed to have sensed that something was wrong. She stood up to block Guo Xiang and reached out to cover the girl's eyes, "what's wrong, darling? Are your eyes not feeling well? Let me take a look."

Guo Xiang suddenly jumped up, grabbed the back collar of the middle-aged woman and yanked her violently, pressing her head against the table.

The porridge on the table immediately flew up.

Yi Zichen and Huang Zhengli were shocked.

Before the middle-aged man on the opposite side could react, Guo Xiang kicked him right in the chest. Before he could counterattack, she grabbed his arm and twisted it hard, pressing him on the ground and shouting at Huang Zhengli, "quick, grab the hemp rope from my bag!"

"Huh?" Huang Zhengli did not react for a moment.

Yi Zichen immediately went to Guo Xiang's bag to look for the rope. Although he did not know what had happened, she must have had a reason for doing so.

"What are you doing?"The middle-aged man reacted and struggled hard, "help, someone, there's a robbery!"

The middle-aged woman also came back to her senses. She wiped the porridge on her face and shouted, "help! Someone is attacking us! Help!"

"Huang Zhengli, hold her down!" Guo Xiang shouted. Her hands did not relax for even a moment.

Huang Zhengli hesitated for a second before grabbing the middle-aged woman and twisting her.

Yi Zichen brought the hemp rope over and helped Guo Xiang tie up the middle-aged man.

"Stop, you bandits! Guys! They're robbing us in broad daylight!" The middle-aged man struggled desperately.

"What's going on?"

"Another robbery?"

Some people on the side heard the commotion and stood up, looking over.